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Main applications

Groupe Titanair designs and manufactures ventilation air filters for various applications where filtration is required for equipment protection or indoor air quality (IAQ). However, Groupe Titanair primarily operates in three sectors of activity:

Filtre à air de ventilation pour bâtiment tertiaire et Établissement recevant du public (ERP)
Commercial buildings and public establishments
Filtre à air de ventilation pour bâtiment résidentiel et habitation
Residential buildings
Filtre à air de ventilation pour l'industrie.
Industrial facilities
Filtre à air absolus pour hôpitaux et laboratoires.
Healthcare - Labs

Our Quality Commitment

Groupe Titanair has been ISO 9001 certified since 2017.

Groupe Titanair’s commitment is to provide high-quality products and services at competitive rates.

We closely monitor manufacturing and quality control processes.

We continuously improve our solutions.

News and expertise about Air filtration: